Donizetti, Gaetano

Miserere in D minor

CHF 4.06 CHF 3.96
More Information
Item number OCT-10133_VL1
Composer Donizetti, Gaetano
Editor Máriássy, István
Product type part
Instrumentation violin 1
Key D minor
Number of pages 4
Weight in Kg 0.014
Format Bach format (230 x 302)
Binding folded
Sale or Hire Sale
Publication date Aug 17, 1987

Diese Stimme enthält nur den ersten Teil des Miserere (Verse 1-4). Das Orchestermaterial für das gesamte Werk ist leihweise erhältlich.

This part contains only the first part of the Miserere (verses 1-4). The orchestral material for the entire work is available on hire.

Publications with the same instrumentation
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